What's your favourite summer activity?

Sunday 10 August 2014


I don't know how many of you guys have braces but I do and I hate them. Luckily I'm getting them off in a few days and I was just so excited about it. Not exactly a summer event for you guys but still good news for me.

Thursday 31 July 2014

Sims 3

If you have money to spare and need a good video game to play this summer Sims 3 is great. Even with the Sims 4 coming out in September I would still recommend the sims 3 just cause I love it. Perhaps it is worth waiting for the sim 4 but I dunno. There are many expansion packs available and perhaps it is worth waiting for sims 4 but I just love this game and personally won't be getting sims 4 because I have so many expansion packs for sims 3.

Tuesday 29 July 2014


I love this film so much. Not even kidding probably my favourite Disney film. I'm 14 and I still loved it when it came out and am still singing let it go like there is no tomorrow. If you haven't seen it then WATCH IT!!! No matter how old you are...watch it.
I recommend this if you are looking for any film to watch this summer. It's just so good. SOOOO GOOD.

Monday 28 July 2014


Unfortunately I am going away for the next 2 weeks so won't be posting but I have scheduled some posts for the next 2 weeks just to keep it interesting for you guys. There might be 1 post every 2 days or possibly more I'm not completely sure but just be aware I won't be posting as much or as frequently. Sowwy :(

Saturday 26 July 2014


Disney films always make me happy. The cheery songs and the childish stories never grow old for me and I love dancing to the random songs. The latest Disney films Frozen was AMAZING and I just can't let it go....no okay. If I have nothing to do I always watch Disney. Right now I'm about to watch the Lion King and you bet I'll be dancing to Hakuna Matata or however you spell it. I just can't get over Disney.

4 am

Well lately I haven't been getting much sleep since I've been staying up till like 4 am every night. I am doing this to talk to my boyfriend whom is in America so It's 9 pm when we talk. He can only talk from 9 pm onwards any day and I agreed to stay up to talk to him.
As a result I have not been sleeping very much and that is not a good idea when I am actually doing stuff. AGHHHHHH. I am sooooo tired and I may go for a nap right now. That is why I may be posting at like half 1 and that's cause I'm waiting for him to come online.


Nail polish
Just YES
I love painting my nails so much. We are not allowed to paint our nails for school but in the holidays I just go nuts with the polish. I currently have "skinny dip" coloured nails(shiny blue) and they look FABELHAFT(fabulous for those of you who don't speak German)
I always love painting my nails and think everyone should. Whether your nails are chipped and short or well manicured and long just paint them.
It doesn't have to be neat just fun and bright.

Friday 25 July 2014

TV to watch

We all get those days where we just feel like lying on the sofa watching TV all day. That's basically 90% of my summer in a nutshell. Well when you feel in these crappy moods where you just wanna lie there doing nothing then here are a few TV shows to watch while you laze about:
  • How I met your mother-Now you've probably heard or seen this and I'm not surprised because it is very popular and there are constant repeats of it on E4 but I do really like this. They just came out with the final season and I'm ecstatic to finish it but if you feel like being lazy then watch this. I'll leave you guys to look it up cause it's really good.
  • The big bang theory-Like HIMYM(how I met your mother) it's a very popular show and it's quite nerdy to say the least. Actually it focuses more on the lives of scientists and this girl that lives across the hall from them whom one of them has a crush on and again there are many seasons of this and it's great for lazy days.
  • Glee-This is one for the teenage audience out there as it is all to do with high school and show choir. Basically a musical about high school *cough* High school musical *cough*
    I'm kidding it's nothing like High school musical and it's more on the characters developing and they don't just break out into song(there is some warning)
  • The IT crowd-Only nerds or people who like nerd humour will like this one. It's all about 2 IT guys working when their new boss comes and it's just a wacky and hilarious sitcom well worth watching.

Thursday 24 July 2014


Here's an idea guys. Have a pool party!!!!
Or if you don't have a pool just a party!!!!
Get all the friends you miss together for some quality party time to catch up or just have fun. Swimming is a great way to cool down as long as you don't burn and you could even chuck in a BBQ.
I went to a pool party today and it was great. Food, swimming, friends, music, food and fun.
Any kind of party is great for summer as you can meet up with friends and PARTAY!!!

New summer wardrobe

As a sort of tom boy I never thought I'd be saying this but....here goes.
I got myself a new summer wardrobe on the first day of summer(yes that was yesterday and I didn't post but I was busy okay) I bought some new shirts, shoes, shorts and FOOD. A total of £22 spent and I'm pretty sure that's my main shop of this summer done. I also helped my friend dye her hair teal and it does look nice but I wouldn't choose it.
I hope you guys have all gotten your new wardrobes for summer
I'm kidding it really doesn't matter if you have or not
Wait am I turning into a NORMAL TEENAGE GIRL?!?!?!

Sun burn already

Well 2 days into the summer and I have sun burn...great
Waiting for the bus for an hour on a really hot sunny day apparently leaves you sun burnt and with strange pale lines on your shoulders.
Thing is it's literally just my shoulders that are burnt and leaving a very nice white line from my t shirt over my shoulders makes me look particularly weird.

Tuesday 22 July 2014

Book 1 done

6 hours into my summer and I have finished my first book.
God I'm sad.
And bored.
The pile of books I have to read is massive but please feel free to suggest any others.

Well book 1 was "Good Girls" by Laura Ruby and I loved it. Before I say any more I would say it is only for older readers. Definitely...maybe I shouldn't of read it.
But it's just such a good book and I would recommend it to the more mature girls older than 15.
Yeah I definitely shouldn't of read this.
What made it 10x more awkward was one of the characters is a girl and the main character's best friend.
Now my boyfriend has the same name as it is a uni-sex name so I couldn't help laughing whenever she did something wrong.
It is more of a chick lit and the author wasn't really aiming for any comedy element but it is still good.


Well all you fangirls/boys are about to understand what I'm talking about. The rest of you can pretend to know what I'm talking about.
Shipping is a fandom thing. Every fangirl/boy does it, it's just what we do.

Now TFIOS is amazing ,book and film, and I'm sure everyone who has seen it or read it ships Gus and Hazel just cause they are the it couple but has anyone ever thought of Gus and Isaac.


A bit about me...

Well as you can probably tell from my excitement about the summer and poor spelling I'm actually 14 and just finished year 9. I'm a girl incase that wasn't clear and I'm a bit of a nerd. Yeah just a little bit. Here's a few fun facts about me:
  1. I have green eyes and long brown hair which I may be dying...yay
  2. I have 2 doggies who are a Cocker Spaniel and a Labrador
  3. I am an only child with divorced parents
  4. I have a boyfriend who I love with all my heart and am gonna miss more than anything(I know it's cheesy but yeah)
  5. I enjoy playing video games, reading and talking to my friends on Skype
  6. I LOVE summer so much
  7. I'm a fan girl...there I said it. If you don't know what one is then google it.
There just a few fun facts to start us off on our/my blogging adventure.



Well the Summer holidays have officially started(for me anyway) and I am hoping to have a lot of fun this summer. I'll be keeping you guys up to date and recommending different things for you guys to try including:
  • Films to see
  • Games to play
  • Day trips
  • Books to read(because no summer is complete without a bit of fiction)
I hope you guys enjoy it. I'll also be keeping track of what I do and hopefully be keeping busy for the next 6 weeks since I will not be seeing my boyfriend for the entire time. :'(
I hope you guys like my new blog and keep track of what I'm up to and do feel free to leave comments.